Sunday, November 18, 2012

I love my followers award!

Hello! Lindsay has awarded me the I love your followers award. Thank you so much! Please check out her amazing blog: Stories by me. 

First of all, here are the rules:

1. Answer the six questions the tagger has set for you.  [In my case no one awarded me so I guess I will list six things about myself.]
2. List six questions for the people you awarded to answer.
3. Comment on the tagger's blog and let them know you accepted the blog award. [Make sure to leave a link to your blog so that they can check your post out.]
4. Award six of your followers and make sure you notify them by commenting on their blog.

Six Things About Me:

1. I love dancing
2. I love writing poems and stories
3. I'm wearing light pink nail polish
4. I'm teaching myself how to cartwheel 
5. I'm wearing pigtails
6. I'm watching a movie with my family

Who am I awarding?

All of my followers and customers

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